Thank goodness for the internet! Sometimes you come across a kindred spirit. Who is just a beautiful person inside and out. That you would of never of known with out the invention of this thing called the internet.
I met Bridget just that way a few years ago on a message board. She was funny, bright, and attractive. I don't think Bridget ever really knew this though. A young transitioner always looking to better her looks. She was already to the point of passability with out any surgery.
She was going to college and living a normal every day girl life. We spoke more in chatrooms and we would laugh and goof off. Just have a barrel of laughs. Her personality was sweet, caring, and comedic. A little bit of a rambler that came across as cute. But always looking for advice from other girls to look better. When in my opinion the girls she was asking, couldn't touch her in looks or personality.
I think many girls are like this - I would tell her every time we spoke "Not to go overboard and she already looks great". She would tell me her idol or wanted to like Audrina Partridge. She recently made a consultation appointment with Dr. Zukowski to gain this goal in her life. I was supposed to meet with her while she was here, but my husband and I got busy so I couldn't make it. She was coming back to see Dr. Zukowski again and stay a few weeks she said! Which would of been awesome to of seen her then. I'm so upset I didn't get a chance to actually meet her. If I had of known I would of gone out of my way to meet this lovely angel.
Bridget, would confide in me about personal problems and other things going on in her life. However I never thought it was anything she couldn't handle. She always came off bright and bubbly. So to know that she decided to take her own life is just shocking and upsetting to me. It just proves that there needs to be more outreach between trans-person to trans-person. She was such a young girl with so much promise and life to lead. I thought when I spoke to her. I made her see that, or at least tried to.
Bridget, I sincerely loved you little girl. Rather we met in person or not. I cherished our talks, our times in chat. It's really the only reason I came into the chatroom to converse with you and of course our friend Ed. I will miss you always, and think of you always. I will push myself more to do the radio show to outreach with transsexuals. You told me it was good I was doing this, and you supported and listened to my radio show. How I wish this didn't happen and you were coming back to Chicago so we could have a day of shopping and talking about your plans for the future.
To know Bridget in my opinion - Was a Gift...She was a bright light that made you laugh.
I wish she had of known how wonderful many of us who knew her thought she was.
I wish she had known that she had so many more wonderful years ahead of her and she was only beginning.
Let's Remember Bridget as the beautiful Angel she was, not for the pain she had inside or the loss of her. Let's celebrate her life and what she was so maybe somehow or someway she can finally feel and KNOW how wonderful and beautiful she really was!
I love you Bridget!!
This is terrible. I did not know her, but I saw her a lot on chat forums. Always thought she was very bright and beautiful, and that she if anyone would do well for herself. RIP Bridget.
ReplyDeleteI am in her position right now. I have no contact with the outside world. I have a few friends but I never see them. I only get a phone call now and then. No one visits me and no one invites me to there place. I live alone in a 1 bedroom basement apartment and the only window that gives off somewhat sunlight is in my bedroom where I spend most of my waking and when I do sleep hours. Very light comes into my apartment. I suffer from major depression, borderline personality disorder and possible PTSD. I am also diabetic. I have no family that talks to me. (I am adopted from Cambodia into Canada April 11th 1975) I can not sleep very often and when I do I just wake up from nightmares or really freakin bizzaro dreams ie I was with Shaggy and Scooby-Doo like wth is that!??! Only part that was freaky was we were not cartoons and everything was real and so were the monsters well the townsfolk and I have not watched any Scooby-Doo in years so I do not know where this dream came from. My dreams are always vivid and in colour. Most of my nightmares are about abandonment which I have been all my life is being abandon. I also have sleep apnea. I eat to make me happy and then I when that feeling wears off my mood drops to like 0 if you had a scale from 1 to 10 on how my mood is. Suicide Hotline's are a joke because once I am done talking to them I feel worse not better. I have been to one trans peer support group,it was different and scary at the same time. I think I made a few friends I dunno yet. Since no one has contacted me except one person out of all of them. I have every symptom of BPD to the medical definition of it. I am usually awake for days before I can actually sleep. Even when I take my night meds and goto sleep like say between 9pm and 10pm I still wake up in the middle of the night or very early morning and can not go back to sleep once I am awake. So yes I can understand how someone can commit suicide because I am at that point in my life right now and I am 37. i had enough of life , the torments my soul, heart and body has had to deal with. I am just worn out and tired of life to put in bluntly. Also being raised by my adopted parents really messed up my brain so there ideals and believes are still stuck in my head even though I know they are not for me I still have them in my head. I know all the coping skills but most of the time they do not work. Like mindfulness, imagery, meditation, breathing etc etc. Like right now my brain can not stop it is always going light speed 24/7 So I will stop rambling on.
Thank You Kelly for such a beautiful writing of remembrance for Bridget...It's always heartbreaking to read about another TS sister taking her own life, especially at such an early age...She was indeed very beautiful, and I can appreciate the pain she had inside dealing with this...I do laugh a lot too, just as she did, but on the inside, I'm sometimes crying, as I'm sure she was too....It's a cruel world & we fight for our lives every single day....And the suicide rate among us with this condition is absolutely staggering, so many do before, during & after transition...
ReplyDeleteRIP Bridget...You are missed by many..
That's so sad what happened to her.
ReplyDeleteRIP beautiful girl
So very sad. RIP.
ReplyDeleteWell girl embrace your sisters. Even if it's chatroom friends, those friends can turn into loyal people that will brighten your day. And life can change in such a fast pace for the better.
ReplyDeleteYes Karen it truly is especially one so young. It's mind blowing that 41 % of us will attempt suicide sometime in our transition
ReplyDeleteShe really was! It is a terrible thing...
ReplyDeleteOh wow I didn't see the full reply when I was responding..I will repond more to this very soon :)
ReplyDeleteI hope you are in a better place Bridget.
ReplyDeleteI am so upset that we as a trans community still have to deal with so much suicide and depression. This is 2011. We have tv shows about us and people seem to love to watch this on tv, But the fact of the matter is people and society still look at us like "freaks" I deal with this everyday. Some ass wipe telling me I should kill myself.
Seeing this death just makes me want to work harder to make sure this stops.
You can also see my video I did for the It Get's Better here
I think we should do our own for trans people.
Buck Angel®
Pioneering Filmmaker, Educator, and Advocate
Well said Buck!
ReplyDeletePlease listen Maddie when I tell you BPD can be cured, you can get better. You need intensive and sometimes in house therapy. Please don't wait one more day in the life you have there is a great life out there and people that will and can love you. The saying that we choose our friends as our family cause we don't always get to choose our family is so true.
ReplyDeleteI never had the opportunity to meet Bridget in person but I had the pleasure of talking to her lots of times in the chats, forums and on the phone. She was so sweet, funny and a great girl. I will always remember her, and I hope that she Rest In Peace.
ReplyDeleteWe cannot travel back in time but we can plan our future,
We cannot love without loving ourselves First,
There are thousands of Transgender girls out there just like Bridget that we can help, Sometimes even by talking to them and supporting them in their transition makes the difference. You that are reading this make the difference in these other girls.
We Can't bring Bridget Back but You can keep other girls from doing the same.
Peace for All
RIP Little Angel Bridget!
Just lovely Natasha