So a few things that I am changing in my life...I am 28 now..I know that's like 80 in tranny years! Shut UP!! But I realize as I get older I need to take better care of my body and start working out... ( I NEVER WORKED OUT - TILL NOW!). I mean I took 12 years of dance and 8 years of gymnastics, but that was more a passion. It didn't feel like I was working OUT!
I go to the gym now quite regularly, and still feel like a hamster on atreadmill. BUT I'm doing it! I still do my dance work out, but I have added stairs, treadmill, and the ball to my work out routine! I want to keep my tummy toned and I don't want to be I know this is my only choice!
Now I was the girl that could eat anything and I mean anything unhealthy! I loved unhealthy food (still do) but I have also realized I have to change my diet. Then have just ONE cheat day a week! Instead of every day! LMAO!! I know with age comes that "POT BELLY" and I don't want it! I look at my sister who is 34 and four years ago she was skinny and didn't have a double chin, and now she has a double chin and thicker..(not fat) just has a ("pot belly") and I don't want that to happen to me! So guys I'm changing my diet! I have already started! I have been doing really well! My hubby is a health nut so he has been so happy with my choice. WE get in less petty arguments about food intake!
On top of that I started taking vitamins again! You don't always get what you need out of food intake, so taking vitamins definitely helps! I'm currently taking Vitamins E, D, C, b12, collagen, St. John's wort, and fish oil and I am already feeling more energetic and healthier!
I'm gonna try my damnedest to try to maintain this to make it a HABIT!
My second resolution is writing in my blog everyday! Which so far I have.. I have even written three blog entries in one day! I have been lazy and just let it sit there, and got a lot of complaints from fans. I don't like disappointing my fans, so I am going to change that!
I am going to try to stay positive and productive and HEALTHY with lots of exercise! If you guys would like to join me let me know! Or type your own resolution in below!! And try to stick to it!
Your friend, Kelly
P.S. So for snacks I have implemented Jamba Juice into my regimen - I love the Strawberry Swirl! My husband likes the wheat grass he says it's very good for you! He made me drink it with him..let me tell you it tastes how it's supposed to lol! If you ever been outside while someone is mowing their yawn, and the taste gets in your mouth...thats exactly what it tastes like! Absolutely disgusting..NEVER AGAIN! I will stick to smoothies!
A video of him drinking this crap!
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