Emotions are our own, not anybody else's! (I imagine this is what our emotions look like, lots of different intensities and shades--I have no scientific evidence ha ha ha!) We all have emotions and I'm sure you are already aware of them. Our emotions are what go bananas when we don't get our "way," think that we have been cheated or short-changed in some way, are hurt, feel lonely, surge with jealousy and basically are how we react to most things in life.
Here's the bombshell. These "emotions" can be harnessed. You don't have to fly off the handle when someone has said something hurtful about or to you. You CAN and also HAVE, the freedom to CHOOSE how you will respond. I spent MANY years, blaming others for how I "had" to respond. I would blame friends who did something hurtful to me--as WHY I had to "get them back" or plot ways to hurt them just as they had done to me. This is a very emotionally based way to live. And it's also very exhausting, depressing, lonely and a scared way to live your life. Believe me, "emotionally" responding to every little thing and allowing your emotions to run wild at any given moment will leave you feeling worse than the meanest person you've ever met!
So what do we do with raging emotions? How we should respond when we are hurt? Rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips. Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed! I know it may be hard at first but with practice and determination anything is possible. If anything at least you will be less frequent with your rages! Clothes yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. You will be so much more happier and so much more productive everyday! We are all FREE to choose how we will respond! Respond with a thankful heart that you are alive and have a chance to do something great for yourself and others! Respond to others with compassion, kindness, love and forgiveness. You will see your relationships will grow stronger and you will grow happier.
So next time you are faced with a jerky person, difficult circumstances or just life not working out as you had planned...stop and think for a minute. Sometimes I have to tell myself, "Kelly, just stop it. Let's put our raging emotions on hold for a minute and ask what response be the best and make me a good person and stronger and realizing being negative never helps anything!?" That's a "tune" changer if I ever heard one! Ha ha ha! It changes my whiney, hurt, mad, "why me" type of emotional response EVERY TIME. And at the end of the day, I'm ALWAYS glad when I choose positivity over negativity! I feel better, sleep better and enjoy peace rather than being tortured by my own wild emotions. You too can become an emotional wrangler if you give it a true shot! Emotions are part of who we are, but they should never be allowed to run totally wild. I'm done with the days that my emotions ruled me, and I'm learning more everyday how I can better wrangle them into submission! Remember that emotions ALWAYS need some sort of harness to head in the right direction. And the best harness is positivity! Huge love, KELLY
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