Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Salutations! I just had my last two wisdom teeth removed yesterday with Dr. Forfar. He is an awesome oral surgeon. I am not swollen yet, so lets hope it stays that way! After talking to Dr. Forfar, Dr. Cardenas, and Dr. Ousterhout – my anger with my last surgeon Dr. Lesesne grows. All three told me they were shocked he touched my jawline till my wisdom teeth were removed. They even asked did he even inpect your mouth? Dr. Lesesne did and he knew my wisdom teeth were still in there. He asked me even, but never said I would need to remove them first. All three said the jawline changes once the wisdom teeth are removed and they would of done that then relined the jaw. That, Dr. Lesesne should of never touched my jaw till then. Girls you have to be wary of your surgeon that claims to know FFS (facial feminization surgery) you’ll end up spending more money than you need to! Just to have it fixed! A lot of doctors like Dr. Zukowski, Dr. Cardenas, and Dr. Ousterhout will stand by their work and fix it free as long as you pay for the anesthesia and room, but oh no not Dr. Lesesne. After I complained that he barely touched the sides of my jawline, the unevenness in the front, and he needed to pull the skin more tight. His answer back was, I would have to pay for everything again! I have spoken to Dr. Cardenas and Dr. Ousterhout so far, both great doctors. Dr. Cardenas would charge me $11,800 for nose, jaw, forehead III, and eye revision surgery that Dr. Lesesne also messed up on. General Anesthesia, nursing, and operating room. Dr. Ousterhout would charge me $30,000 for jawline, submental scar correction, forehead III, and scalp advancement. General Anesthesia, nursing, and operating room. Both doctors are great doctors, the reason Dr. Cardenas is cheaper is because he is located in Mexico. I haven’t decided which one I want yet. I am going to be researching more Maxillofacial surgeons. Maxillofacial surgeons are the best to go to! Their study of surgery focuses on the face and oral surgery. So girls just be careful when you go to these doctors. Make sure you ask them questions like – Do you stand by your work? Ask them for before and afters! My top three facial surgeons would be Dr. Ousterhout, Dr. Cardenas, and Dr. Zukowski My top breast surgeons would be Dr. Revis or Dr. Gray If you have any questions leave a comment below and I’ll respond!

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